One thing I've started doing (That I'm not entirely sure is healthy) is asking girls (that I may or may not be interested in) if they like Twilight. This is a self-destructive behavior I think. More often than not (the percentage may surprise you) I end up disappointed, and just a little bit of interest is lost. Other such follow up inquiries may include; Justin Bieber, country music, Rebecca Black, and/or True Blood/Vampire Diaries (Also known as the Twilight Children). Anyway, because such questions are asked to these ladies, more and more interest is lost. Yes it's judging a bit, but hey, I need to check compatibility, right? I mean, isn't that all that dating is? The reason you go on dates is to judge and see if a person is suitable/worthy for yourself. (That's why people warn against's like a lawsuit) Perhaps this is the reason that I haven't been on a date, cuddled, kissed, etc., a girl for the better part of this year. I really need to do something about this...
Hold on, I'm already contradicting my opening paragraph with the current tone...moving on.
So this month marks the three year mark of me being home from my mission. I'm not going to lie, it's not as weird as I thought it would be. Sure it feels like I just got home, but at the same time, it feels like I just graduated too. It also feels like I just moved back up north from Provo. (Which I did in June, by the way.) (You like how I just put that tidbit of information in here all subtly like that? I thought it was clever) So where I'm feeling like I just barely did all of those things, it just turns into this big mush pile of things that were recent but not really recent at all. Does that makes sense? That's okay, it doesn't quite make it there for me either.
So I just got over this really interesting head cold. (Silence, this isn't whining) I must say it was quite possibly the most interesting illness I have ever had. Never before have I had so many different side effects. Truly it was unusual. You know how they say no cold is the same as another? Isn't that why they've never been able to cure it? Well if that's the case I should name mine. It could be like finding a comet or something like that. (If you discover it, you get to name it) I will call it; Ridiculitis, mostly because of how ridiculous it made me. It seriously must have been nested in my brain pressing buttons in there that shouldn't be pushed. It gave me thoughts that I temporarily had psychic powers, I couldn't remember what my roommate looked like, I suddenly had awesome dance moves (True story), I started sleep walking again (I used to before the mission, but there must have been something about England that made it go away), my eyes wouldn't focus, and I was just generally not myself. Given, at least half of the reason these things happened would be due to the extra strength cold medicine I was taken, but I'm convinced that the Ridiculitis took hold of it once I had taken the pills and used the medicine for it's own uses rather than allow it to battle it away. I'm almost (Almost) (Yes, there needed to be two "almost"s but one in a parentheses for no apparent reason) miss it because of how much of an adventure it was, but oh well. Maybe it will drop by to it's now built summer home in my head next year. *shrugs*
Well that is all I have to say tonight. Sometimes when you have those really weird nights full of weird conversations with people (Girls) and all sorts of weird happenings you just need to let it out by saying a bunch of random stuff and posting it on the internet. (Didn't you know? This practice has been in place for several hundred years now. Don't ask me how, but it has been)
*I* like to read blog posts full of other people's problems.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you don't want to date girls who like Twilight. It's not judgmental, just common sense.
#1 - Whenever you post, whatever you post about, it always brightens my day! I personally (and selfishly) think we should be pen-pals; I love to hear your whining and complaining. In fact, I agree with your friend Teagan -- people DO want to read that!! (Why do you think reality TV is so popular? It's certainly not for the intellectual dialogue.)
ReplyDelete#2 - I completely agree with you about the Twilight issue. However, you should definitely NOT ask girls about those topics when first dating. Either that, or get used to disappointment. ;) Some of my very favorite people happen to LOVE Twilight, though I don't understand why. (Nobody's perfect!)