Friday, December 31, 2010

The Old Shoe

Two blogs two days in a row? *looks around* Where are the flying pigs? The four horseman of the apocalypse? Hmm...*shrugs* I think I'll blame it to the fact that I discovered that I can blog now at work. And since I basically just sit here and read all day at work because we are so busy that nobody comes in, I have plenty of time to do it. (Let's just hope my supervisors don't catch me, and I get in trouble.) Honestly though, most of my supervisors don't really care, so I should be fine. In actuality, it was one of my lead tellers that suggested that I do this specific blog today.

Today I want to talk about an old shoe I used to have.

Several years ago, I saw a shoe at the store. It wasn't my regular type of shoe, but my friend liked it, so he bought it, and wore it for a while. It seemed to suit him pretty well, but I became jealous of his shoe, and wanted it for myself. I expressed my desire to have his shoe, and I probably bugged him a bit by how I admired it. After some time, he got tired of the shoe, and parted with it. I found it a short while later at the DI, and I decided that I should buy it. However, only a short while later, I lost it, and couldn't find it for some time. At the time I was pretty sad that I couldn't wear it any more. But I moved on and returned to the store to find a new shoe to wear. I tried on a few pairs, and I thought I had found a good skate shoe to wear, but alas, my mind continued to think of the old and used shoe, and I couldn't really settle on one that I wanted.

More time passed, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I found the shoe again. I was definitely caught by surprise, and happily put the shoe back on. However, despite my happiness at having the shoe again, and time went on, I discovered that the shoe didn't fit quite as well as before. It gave me blisters and sores all over my foot. Even though it was uncomfortable, I kept wearing it with the belief that it would come through as before. My friends saw me wearing it, and could see how it was hurting my foot, and suggested that I get a new one. I didn't listen, and kept wearing it, and trying not to think about the pain. Time continued on and it really only got worse. I began considering throwing it away and finding a new shoe that would be more comfortable, but for some reason I kept it. That blasted shoe!

One day I went looking for it to give it a good clean up and give it some new laces, but I couldn't find it. I think it had ran away on it's own. (What a strange thing for a shoe to do!) I searched for a while, only to find someone else wearing it. That person I knew had some sort of foot fungus, and it made me want the shoe even less. Somehow and for unexplainable reason, I got the shoe back, and with much hesitation, I put it back on, and continued to wear it.

Something about the shoe felt even more different now. I don't know if it was the foot fungus or what, but something was there. I wondered often if there was a rock in there I couldn't see. On another day, I became so frustrated by the pain from the shoe that I took it off and didn't put it on for a couple days. But the familiarity of it pulled me back, and I couldn't let it go. My brother especially didn't like the shoe, along with the rest of my family. They said it smelled funny, and there were even times that my mother forbid me to wear it. She said there were better shoes to wear.

Finally, one day, I lost the shoe real good. For days and days I looked, but the old shoe was nowhere to be found. I even asked around my friends to see if any of them knew where it was. No such luck. After a few more days, I went to another friend, and he told me that he knew where it was. Someone ELSE was wearing the old shoe. Same guy as before, but it turns out, I was wrong. He didn't have foot fungus, just athletes foot. That was enough for me! I decided that I was finally done with the shoe. I can only stand having it used by others so many times you see.

My foot definitely felt better. Where all of the blisters and sores were healed and after some time, it felt good to walk on it again.

Time wore on, and I found several different shoes that were a lot more comfortable to wear. There were some Air Jordan's that were nice, and I even went to a nerdy converse shoe. Anything was better than that old shoe! I was a bit unfortunate that year though as my shoes wore out pretty quickly, and I went through several pairs as the new ones started to hurt as well.

A couple years later, I couldn't believe it, but I ran into my old shoe again! I thought I wasn't going to have to see it again, but there she was, ah, err...I mean there IT was. I wasn't surprised to see it was still being worn by the guy I previously mentioned. He seemed to like the shoe so much, that he made a smaller one that looked sort of like it. He even had cleaned up the old shoe a bit too. However, the shoe no longer sparked my interest any longer. I couldn't ever see myself wearing that thing again. Nowadays, I hear when people see it, they say, "Isn't that the shoe Andrew used to wear?" and even rumors that I'm still wearing it. Well rest assured, I'm not wearing a painful shoe any longer, nor do I have any desire to. At this moment in my life, I'm looking for the best shoe, and one that doesn't hurt my foot, and treats me well.

I hope you enjoyed that story. I can never forget that story of "The Old Shoe". :D

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Holy crap!! What a really weird week. Anything and everything seems to be going down.
Despite my past experiences, and my sincere claims that I only get sick once per year, I have been caught off guard this last week or so with a nasty cold and cough that won't go away. That makes it two sicknesses this year. EPIC LAME! So I'm hoping that it will count for next year, and that I won't get sick for all of 2011. That would be nice.
Christmas was good this week. I had some good times spent with the fam. For Christmas my main gifts were a George Foreman grill and a Magic Bullet. (It's a personal blender/smoothie making thingy...surely you must have seen the infomercials..."And in one, two, threeeeeeeeeee seconds, you have some salsa") The rest of my gifts were excellent as well. Over all, it was a good haul.
The end of this week got really crazy though. I won't go into details due to some of the readers of this blog, but from the 26th to yesterday, tons of different things just sort of got all messed up. I'm really caught by surprise too. As I've said before, and I'm sure you've all experienced it as well, life can seem all peachy, then someone grabs the snow globe of your life and gives it a good shake. *shrugs* Life moves on though.
Anyway, I didn't really have anything I particularly wanted to talk about in this post. Just sort of updating in my boredom at work.
One question I had to anyone reading this post; Can any of you see me becoming a lawyer? How about a politician? Let me know!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just some thoughts...

Somehow I knew when I woke up today that I'd be writing another blog tonight. It was one of those ideas that was in my head when I woke up this morning. What I'm going to blog about is still a mystery to me.
It seems like I usually approach my blog when I'm in a terribly reflective mood. Don't ask my why I'm in that mood today, it's just something that happens naturally I suppose. I can't recall exactly anything special that has happened today that would cause me to be so. Hmm...
Life for me has finally taken a different direction, and after much stressing, I'm finally in a different situation of life as well. I'm now sitting on my bed in my new apartment in Provo, an hour away from home. I've started at another branch of America F
irst and I'm working as a teller again, although I still do a bit of loan stuff when needed. That's all I can really say to bring you up to date. Nothing especially spectacular seems to be going on right now. Perhaps it's because we're in the winter months, and everything starts to slow down, unlike the eventful months of summer. *shrugs* I dunno.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I've realized why I've felt so
reflective lately. It IS because it's the winter months! I'm coming up on the last couple weeks of the year, and now I'm
looking back across this year and thinking about the things that I've done. The more I think about it, it feels like I've done a ton. If I just sit here and let my mind wander across it, I go to all sorts of memories. The thing is, it's not necessarily to events, at least, not just one at a time. It really just hops to different faces of people I've met or interacted with this year, and my experiences with them. Each one sort of has it's own twist to it.
Am I making any sense here? I feel like I'm sort of just rambling on, but you know, it feels good just to write what pops into my head.
So as these faces pop around in there, has it's sort of tale that tells the story of my year. I wonder if I skim over it some of you may catch on to what or who I'm talking about. That's sort of dangerous in itself. Although, my oldest brother dislikes it very much if I start getting vague, but then again, I'm not quite sure if he reads this blog or not. In fact, I have no idea if anyone still reads this blog at all. It's sort of thought provoking as I continue to write in here from time to time.
I suppose if I were to skim vaguely across my past year, I'd come to all sorts of names. It's just something interesting to ponder about. As they say, my life has been molded this year by the people I've met. Some good molds, some not. I've reached some amazing highs this years, yet there was some deep lows as well. "Opposition in all things" I suppose. There were several moments throughout this whole year when I thought my life was content, others when I thought I'd never be happier. On the other end, there were times this year when I've felt terribly sad, some when I felt my heart was broken, and some when I just found myself crying. I feel proud for the things I have accomplished, yet there are also several things I really regret about this year. Life is a roller coaster, no doubt. I seem to be recognizing that more and more in these last couple years. It must be that transition into adult life that I am beginning to feel more and more as time goes on.
I just hope now that I can see how things have gone this last year, I can look to the next, and see what improvements I can make. I feel better prepared looking into 2011 unlike how I was going into 2010. Let's just hope I can make this year a better one.