Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Best Year Of My Life

Well let me explain that title real quick. No, it wasn't this year. Or last year. Or the year before that.
It's really slow at work today and this idea came to me and I felt the urge to write about it.
As I get to the end of the year, I like to go over what my new years resolution was. Mine this year was that I would "meet my wife". Again, no, I'm not marriage hungry, but it was fun goal to make. I made it vague enough that I could say that I accomplished it no matter what. (to an extent) I could have walked past her in the store or something and it would have counted. So who's to say whether I failed or not?
Anyway, to sum up this year, the only word that comes to mind is "blah". It was a really 'blah' kind of year. Nothing super exciting.  Just droll in general. The highlights that come to mind would be my trip to Arizona in April, my move back to Northern Utah, and my second move into the MANsion. Moving has sort of lost its' novelty to me since it's happened so much in the last few years, and while the Arizona trip was fun and all, it's not new to my yearly things because I tend to take at least one vacation per year.
So as I'm pondering all of this, I started to think about when my last awesome year was (not counting the mish because, well, it's obvious), and one came out on top.
*insert trumpet fanfare here*
I'm not going to lie, 2007 was pretty incredible. It was my first year off of high school. I was getting ready to leave on a mission in December, and just all around great. The year started with me coming out of a unhealthy high school relationship, and I was ready for change. My social life exploded, and I swear I was doing something almost every night with friends. I worked full time but lived at home so I was rolling in money, and could afford just about anything I wanted. I made trips to Provo to visit friends. I went out to eat about 3 to 4 times per week (sit down restaurants, not fast food). My dating life was on fire (despite trying not to be distracted before the mish). There was the YSA river trip in August, and I got my mission call the same day I got back from that. We'd all go to the sand dunes in Nephi often and just go crazy (even though I ended up with stitches on my chin the last time we went that year). I worked at an awesome branch in the credit union (great boss and co-workers overall). Lastly, I was changing my life to something I really enjoyed. Got rid of bad habits, cleaned up my behaviour, and just generally felt like a better all around person. I got a gym pass, finally gained some weight and stopped looking like a malnourished child, and was in pretty decent shape. I read the Book of Mormon all the way through for the first time. Never missed a week of church, etc etc.
Anyway, you get the idea. It was awesome.
Here's what I'm thinking though; Why haven't I had a year like that since? I mean, sure, I'm a different person now since the mish; I'm older, more mature (I think), and generally have a lot more responsibilities all over (Car payments, rent, food, insurance, etc). All that lovely stuff that comes with being an adult. But as I think about it, just because I'm adult doesn't mean I can't have fun anymore, right? I mean, all of those things I did (besides the mission call) can be repeated over in my life. So why not do it again?
I guess what I'm getting down to here is I want to have a year like I did in 2007 again, and I think 2013 is a perfect place to start. Since I've already experienced such an awesome year then, I know what to do to help myself have a repeat.
So here's the plan; I need to be more social, go on at least 15 times more dates than this year (2), get back in shape (cliche, I know, I know), travel about more and visit people all over and outside of Utah, build better relationships with the friends I have, make more friends, be more financially sound, get rid of my bad habits, become more active in church and read the Book of Mormon again.
Yeah, even as I typed that list it seemed a little overwhelming, but if my 18 year old self can accomplish that without even thinking about it, what's stopping me now that I know the formula for awesome-ness?

So for all of you whoever read this and know me, keep the encouragement coming because this upcoming year is going to be epic! Hopefully I can look back and read this post at the end of it and give myself a pat on the back.