Sunday, January 22, 2012

*sigh* Fine...

You know...there was a while there when I thought I was done with this blog. It just happens that one can run out of things to say. I thought...well...maybe a year of blogging would be enough. I suppose not. I'm still waiting for something amazing to happen in my life that I'll suddenly have lots and lots of things to blog about. I am writing nonsense all over again. *shrugs* (Yes Wendy, it was your comment that made me put a post here again. Pat yourself on the back)
These last two weeks have been pretty rough. This first one wasn't the best because the semester was starting which meant I was suddenly broke (still am) and I now have homework again...*shakes fist threateningly*. The "broke" part I'm doing my best to deal with for now until my tax return comes in a week. I need to pay tuition and I think I'm late paying it so there will be a fee. I'm still working on student loan paperwork and what not so I don't have to worry about it anymore (for now...) but that's taking some time. Other bad things include the recent downhill turn my laptop has been making. Just the other day it crashed 8 times in 20 minutes. I was more than just a little bit annoyed. It's been doing that a lot lately among other things, so I believe it's about time that I bought a new one. Hooray for my tax return!
Other bad things include my grandma being taken to the hospital earlier this week because they thought she had a stroke. She had been having a headache so bad that it was making her cry. :( Turns out it was probably the narcotics she had been taking for her lower back pain. They weren't 100%, but they put her on a different medicine instead to see if her headache goes away. She's home now, but she still has a headache. Things were looking a bit better, then my brother got in a car accident on Saturday. Some idiot ran into the back of his car then drove away and left him there. He had to go to the ER to make sure everything was good. Nothing like receiving a picture text from my mom with my brother in a neck brace. Anyway, that was just the icing on the cake to a bad pair of weeks. I'm just hoping that it doesn't become a trilogy.
My dating life is circling the drain currently. I don't think I've been on a date in two and a half months. I made a resolution this year to date more though. I think once every two months isn't enough. The down part is that January is almost over and I still haven't had one, nor do I have one coming up. The problem isn't that I'm a wuss and won't ask anyone, it's that I don't feel like I have anyone to ask. I won't give up easily though. I'm asking around for referrals and trying to put myself out there more. We'll see how it goes. It'd be nice to start it up again.
My other resolution was to get back into shape. (Very cliche, but what can you do?) That one has been going very well actually. I enrolled in a weight lifting class this semester, and I've been running every day that I don't have class. The results are already starting to show. The fat on my face is going away, and I feel less tired every day now. I'm excited to see the final results. I just need to stick with it. School school school. This semester is fairly simple. Weight lifting, Computer Graphic Applications, Institute, and 2D Design. So far 2D Design is my favorite. It's fun to be given art projects I can do in Photoshop that are different and test what I can do. I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester with that one. The thing with school this semester is that I have class from 1 to 650pm. (blech) It's weird to leave class and have it dark outside already. My week is usually pretty full with school and work, but oh well.
Anyway, yeah, I'm boring. All I can talk about is what's going on my life and how much it stinks lately. Sorry you had to read my complaining (if you got this far). I've said before; Sometimes it's just easier for me to write it all out here and get it off my mind.
Good luck with life whoever you are reading this!