Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Happy Attitude

It's past 2 in the morning. I'm still awake. Yes, this is when my blogs start to get really interesting. I'm hoping to not get TOO weird, but hey, weird is what keeps things interesting. Normal is just...well...normal.

First off, WOO!! 2,000 pageviews of my blog. I've come a long way since June of last year. Yeah, 2,000 isn't that much, but for me, I consider it an accomplishment. We'll see what this year brings.

Anyway, for those of you who have been reading my blog since the beginning, on July 5th, I wrote a blog called "Attitude is EVERYTHING!!". Tonight, (or this morning I guess) I want to revisit that point for a moment, and do a bit of a "re-blog" if you will.

Lately, (and by "lately" I mean the last couple weeks) I've been in a pretty good mood. I took some time to ponder about it today while I was at work. I thought for sure there must be a specific reason why I felt so good. I tried to narrow it down to things that were happening in my life. The more I thought about it, the less I was able to put my thumb on it and say "Yes, this is what's happening that's making me feel so good." BUT, I couldn't. That's when I reflected back to that previous blog and I realized, it's just my attitude about life right now that's doing it. Somehow without realizing it, I just decided to be happy and positive about things. 

I'll quote my last blog about attitude;
"It's the principles of attitude and desire. These two things fuel most of what we do. If we have a strong enough desire for something, or for something to happen, it causes us to act, to move, and to do what needs to be done in order to obtain our desires. If something happens to us, whether good or bad or whatever, our attitude determines how we respond, or go about it. When we can get these two principles in order, life will go well."
I think I kept hitting these bad spots in the last while, and I wasn't working to get myself out of them. However I started to build a strong desire to be happy and positive about things. This led to my action of just being happy, and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. (again, I'm not dying)

Another quote from that same blog;
"Every time a friend tells me they are angry at what someone did, I ask them who made them angry. The reply is always that the other party caused it. In reality, it is only us who chooses our attitudes and emotions. You've heard it before, but the only person who can make you happy, mad, sad, etc, is YOU. You choose how to react in a situation, not anybody else."

So there you have it. Just be happy about things. Just because life goes sourly doesn't mean you need to go along with it.

Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should,
and let go of what you can't change.
Life's too short to be anything...but happy

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I won't lie to you...

Ah yes, another blog. I'm actually not doing too bad this year with my blogs. I'm not doing nearly as well as I was last summer, but hey, improvement still counts for something, right? Right.
Anyway, as for my life update, it's actually taken a great turn for the better. I found out I'm doing really good in all of my classes, and may be eligible for a good scholarship. I also got a promotion AND a bonus at work this week. More money for me! Wooo!! Not to mention I found a better apartment than the one I'm in that's nicer, yet cheaper rent. I get to move in April! Lastly, I met this girl about a month ago when I started classes, and we've been seeing each other every night for the last month. I really feel like I love her, and she feels the same. Her name is Trisha. We talked about marriage Sunday night, and we're going ring shopping this weekend!! It's awesome.

Yeah...don't you dare think any of that paragraph is true, because it's not. I WISH that was true, but it's not. (and you better be laughing, I didn't write that to be depressing)

Well back to reality, today is my half birthday. Only six months until I'm 23. *shudders* I threw out my back a couple weeks ago, so I already feel old. Yeah yeah yeah, 23 is nothing, but hey, it's older than I've ever been. In fact, right NOW I'm older than I've ever been. It's weird to think about. But yes, if I follow my oldest brothers path, I should be getting married in the next year. That's even weirder to think about.

I don't really have much I wanted to blog about today. A quick update on the UFO stuff in my last post. KSL posted a story trying to explain what they were.
They tried to pass it off as Chinese lanterns or radio controlled airplanes at night. Personally, I'm not buying it. I saw Chinese lanterns all the time on my mission, and they looked nothing like that, not to mention when we saw them they weren't moving. The same goes for radio controlled airplanes. My current guess is that it was something military. But who knows? Your guess is as good as mine.

Anyway, that's all for now. Yeah, I know it isn't much, but there you go.

P.S. If you thought I sounded depressed in this blog, I WASN'T. :D Just blogging along...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Randomness and UFO's

Okay. I've been to this very screen several times in the last couple days, determined to blog. Yet, when I have done so, I either get distracted, or the desire to do so leaves suddenly, and no blog surfaces. So now, I'm just going to keep writing until something surfaces. Yes, that will work...I think. Or perhaps someone will give me a topic to write about, or inspire me to do so. Thing is, I'm in my room and it's midnight. The chances of running into someone while I'm sitting on my bed are very slim. (especially because it's pretty difficult to run while you are sitting on a bed)
You's hard to blog about your own thoughts when there are a million going through your head at a particular moment. If I tried to do exactly that, I wouldn't make sense at all. Let me give you an example;
Cheese is good. I ate cheese today. It was on my pizza. That pizza went especially good with that posh ranch sauce I put on it. Posh. Hmm...that's an interesting word. It looks silly when I type it, yet it is pleasing to say I suppose. Well, I suppose I can say I suppose. I mean, I suppose I really mean it...I suppose. Who thought I could put the word "I" and "Suppose" so many times in a sentence. You know...can "I" really be considered a word? Is it even a word? No, I suppose not. It's more a letter. But I digress...
So yeah, there you go. I think that's a healthy portion of my mind. If you followed that, good job. I congratulate you on your success. I've now brought you to my level.
Ooo! Okay, I remember a topic I could blog about. I'll begin with the preface not to judge me by it. I'll reaffirm that I am NOT a nerd, nor do I consider myself as such. I'm well rounded in my interests. And that's final.
Anyway. It's about UFO's.
Let me say that I don't believe in aliens or or in their spacecraft or whatever. However, I do believe in UFO's in the sense of the acronym; Unidentified Flying Object, with the emphasis of "unidentified". Cast your mind with me as I share this true story with you. A couple weeks ago on January 26th, my co-workers and I had just finished for the night, and were leaving to our cars. Before we got there, one of them pointed to the sky and said, "What in the world?" We looked up to see these bright, glowing red dots in the sky. (it was about 7:15 PM, see inserted picture for what we saw) They seemed a lot brighter than airplane lights, and there were 4 of them I think, but they weren't moving. At first I thought it could be the space station passing overhead, but again, they remained still, almost as if they were really brilliant red stars. We stared at them in disbelief for a few minutes, then got in our cars and left. After that, I didn't give them much thought.
Fast forward to today at work when my supervisor comes back to me and says, "Remember those red things we saw in the sky a couple weeks ago? KSL is doing a story on them this sunday to explain what they were." This sparked my interest again so I thought I'd check it out a bit. Turns out lots of people saw the same thing, and they only stayed around from 715-730. Here's the link for the main story.
As I was on youtube at work (yeah, I broke the rules a bit), I started to find several videos of people in American Fork (which is where I work) seeing what I saw.
Next thing I know, I began to stumble on several other videos across youtube from people across the world seeing the same if not similar thing in their night sky all within a week or so of us seeing them in Utah.
Moscow, Russia
London, UK
Lake Elsinore, CA
There are several others I found such as in New York, Brooklyn, Mexico, and Oregon.
Honestly, I don't know what they are. Military operation? Possibly, especially since at the same time the lights were spotted in UT, a military base shut down at the same time not letting people in or out for several hours right outside Utah County. What do you think?
One last thing to add. One other sighting also happened in the same week in Jerusalem. Take a look at the videos. Weird thing is, when whatever they see jumps into the sky, when they look up, they see red dots.

Anyway, sorry the blog got so long. You can make the decision for yourself. My conclusion? I have none. :D

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A hopeless romantic?

It's with a bit of hesitation that I'm actually writing about this topic tonight. It's not something that I would normally share for the public to view. However, it's been on my mind a lot as of late, and since this is my thoughts turned blog, I figure it couldn't hurt to get my view/feelings on this out there.
I usually begin my blog with an update on life, BUT...there is none. Same old, same old. Nothing particularly new in life, just working and going to school. Rinse and repeat. I am shampoo, it seems. Or the usage of it.
I've been living in Provo for close to two months now, and it's been really interesting to observe it, and the goings on of it all. Sure, there are a lot of rumors about it, and peoples misconceptions of how it really is, but I've blogged about it before, so I won't try to hit too much on it again. The thing is, since I've been here, there seems to be this feeling instilled in to me, (and mostly everyone else) to have this need to be in a relationship with someone. Yeah, I know it's weird, and you're probably thinking, "Typical Provo...". I'm not saying it's just me, and that I have some sort of desperate desire to be dating someone, but it seems to press on the mind while living here, and everyone seems to be getting the vibe and trying. Perhaps it that it's a major college town (seeing as it contains two universities) and there are all sorts of young people down here ready for the next stage(s) of their life. Perhaps there is something in the water. *shrugs* Hard to say why, but what I AM saying, is that the feeling is there, and it wasn't there before I got here.
Anyway, so now I'm here, with the desire to meet people, and, if possible, to find someone to date. This brings me to my next point. Lately, I've had several friends start calling me a "hopeless romantic", because I view dating as such a "non-casual" thing. I'll readily admit that perhaps, compared to the modern world, my views on dating are a bit "old fashioned", but heck, that's not a bad thing in my point of view. (hence the reason that I prefer it that way)
I guess in my mind I keep imagining this perfect dating thing to happen, and it working out great. No awkwardness, just flowing smoothly, and very few bumps along the road. I also keep trying to picture this perfect girl, not perfect as in flawless, but more perfect for each other. Yeah, I know it sounds cheesy, but when you think about it, doesn't everyone prefer it that way? (so it's only cheesy because I put it into words?)
Here's the next problem, and I'll preamble this with an apology to her if she happens to read this post. I won't use her name, but she probably will guess that it's her that I'm talking about. I hope she doesn't mind. My problem right now is that I keep comparing girls I meet and would consider asking on a date to another girl I used to date. We broke up on good terms so far as I know from my side. She had her reasons, which were justifiable for ending it. I also respect her decision and will leave her to it and not press the matter again unless she chose to. I have no ill feelings towards her whatsoever. Thing is, she was probably one of the most amazing people I have met. I thought we got along well, and, in my "hopeless romantic" sort of way, I thought things were fitting pretty perfectly.
Things are obviously over now, but now my problem is that I feel that if I meet a girl that I would consider taking on a date (or whatever), in my mind, it's like that bar has been raised to my ex's status, and I feel I would be settling if I dated them (not in a judging sort of way, more of the thinking of how well we would get along, etc). This has been troubling my mind for some time now, and I've been trying to figure myself out and what to do. (No, I'm not writing this blog to try and get something out of her, or whatever this is merely more of my feelings on my dating life) I have some good friends that I've talked to about it, and they all have shared great advice to me. But one of the best pieces of advice came from my friend/co-worker. When we talked about it a couple weeks ago, she said something that really made sense, and comforted me a lot.
Her words were along the lines of this; "It wouldn't make sense or be fair for God to have you meet this amazing person who you really connected with, only to have it not work out, and in the end you'd just have to settle on someone not as great for eternity. Rather, if would make more sense that when you do find 'the one', they will either be just as great, if not better than before." I thought that was really great.
So yes, still on the journey to find the right one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in a terrible rush or hurry to find one, I hope I'm not coming across that way. Sure, a relationship and marriage would be great, and I feel that I'm ready in my life for that to happen if it happens, but if I have to wait, so be it.