Monday, October 18, 2010


What a weekend....Better yet, what a week....I feel like I've been tossed all over the place and I don't know why. My mind seems to not be working properly or something. I don't even know how to properly comment on it really. Weird stuff. Ever have those feelings like something is amiss, but you can't put your finger on it? It could be anything, but no matter how you think about it, you can't really narrow it down? That's what is going on with me I think, and it's messing me up. It's almost like in my brain is the big blue "ERROR!" screen, and I can't get past it. I don't know what's going on. There are all sorts of things in my life right now that are...unusual.
Life has been messing me up, I suppose. I've got a lot to prepare for in the next coming months as I get ready to move down to Provo. The three main things are transferring to UVU, finding an apartment that isn't too costly (but not ghetto), and hopefully transferring my job at America First down there. If I can accomplish those three things, I'll be sorted. They probably don't sound like a lot to some, but they occupy my mind quite a bit. If one doesn't work out, I'm slightly in trouble, and may have to postpone moving down there, and if that is the case, I'll miss spring semester at school. It all seems like a mess. Hopefully it works out. I found an opening today at my work at an American Fork branch that I would move to in December, which would be perfect, and hopefully with better pay. If that goes well, a huge stone will be passed. It's my main worry to get a job down there.
*sigh* Anyway...I'm just...down a bit I suppose. I'll be fine though. Most things work out in the end, and no matter what happens, I can move forward positively if I choose to, which I should. It's easier said than done I suppose.
So sorry for sounding all depressed or something. I don't mean to, and I'm not really. I just felt like venting my feelings for a bit. Don't pay too much mind to it.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I miss blogging...

So I'm sitting here in my English 1010 class up at's a disturbing class. I still don't understand how it could claim to be an "English" class. All we discuss it torture, rape, and other disturbing things from a book called "The Lucifer Effect", which discusses why people turn evil. So's weird.
As far as blogging goes, I really wish I would do it more. Right now I'm getting to about one per month, which is nothing like in the summer where I got about one posted per day. Thing is, I've had loads of things I'd like to blog about, but I never get around to it. I'd call it a mixture of laziness and being busy with school, work, homework, and my girlfriend Andrea. Saying that, I would think those four things are a bit more important than a blog, so I'm not terribly disappointed that I haven't, I just enjoy blogging. It helps me vent or talk about things that are going on.
Anyway, life moves on for me. Those four things I mentioned are really all that I do nowdays. I'm sure most of you my age are in a similar situation.
Nowdays I'm trying to decide on which major I want to aim for in college. When I got home from the mission, I had decided that I wanted to do a psychology degree aiming for either school counselor or family counseling. At the end of spring semester, I changed my mind, and now I'm working for a communications degree either aiming for public relations or journalism. This last week, Andrea and I were discussing it, and came up with some other options for me to do. I had been thinking to changing my major to something to do with computers such as web design or something like that because most things on computers come naturally to me, and I took several computer classes in high school and got A's in all of them. Andrea and I looked at the major list just for BYU, and a few other options came up. One I'm considering right now is to become a teacher, probably for junior high, or high school. If I did that, it would probably be for theater, music (band or orchestra), computers (any type of that class), or a science teacher. It's a bit all over the place for that one, but they seem interesting to me. I enjoy teaching and explaining things to people, so I think it would be a good option. Andrea suggested that I stick with counseling of some sort, probably in a school.
Anyway, I'd love some input on this topic. What do you think about those classes I'm thinking about? Is there any major you think I would be good at? Let me know.