Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Hard Thing About Blogging Is...

So I swear I haven't been avoiding this blog for the last month. In fact I return to it quite frequently. But I'll get to that in a bit. Life goes on at the moment. School started up again for me last week and I'm going into what may possibly be the most boring semester ever. Understanding Technology, English, and American National Government. Hooray for generals....all of them are mostly lecture only and a lot of reading outside of class. I really hope I can get into some of my Major based classes next semester and save myself from further boredom.

Anyway, back to talking about blogging. So yes, at least twice a week I log onto my blog with the hopes to blog about something. However each time I get to the point of writing something I decide not to. Here's the problem; the things I want to write about are things going on in my life or a commentary about someones actions to me or someone else. There are things I want to say about people that would probably come back and kick me in the butt later and I'll be in trouble.

I want to be able to say, "Hey this happened to me and it sucked..." or "this girl did this or that, or treated me badly, or snubbed me, or rejected me, and I think it's lame because..." or "Don't you hate it when someone does something like my friend here...". Stuff like that. I can't. People will get offended. I want to openly ask the people that read this for advice or what they think on thing that happen to be, but it would create more problems if I do.

It's such a temptation to create a whole new blog under a fake name and background and change peoples names and then write about what happened. I could then write about what's REALLY going on in my life, what's REALLY bothering me, and what I deal with day to day. The problem with that is no one I know will read it because they won't know the blog exists, or if they did find it and if they knew me well enough, they could probably connect the dots and know it was me. Then they'd know a lot I bet.

Anyway, yeah, there isn't really a good solution. So just know that even though there aren't a lot of blog posts put up, the thought is still there. It just takes a bit more to come up with something that isn't quite as problem causing.