Friday, August 6, 2010


You see? I'm doing a bit better here. More than one blog per week. I'm starting to get back into it here. I'm just sitting here on my bed, and the thought kept coming to do a blog, so here I am. Don't expect anything especially special here though. Probably just rambling mostly, but hey, it's fun for me to do either way.

Tonight I FINALLY organized my mission photos. I found out that the total pictures I had including small movies was 1,323! I didn't realize it was so many. I suppose that over the space of two years, with around 730 days, that means I took on average 2 per day, which isn't too bad. It was the first time since I've been home (almost 9 months now...Aaaahh!) that I've looked through all of them. I definitely had a good laugh, but I also found myself missing the mission terribly. It's days like today that I really wish that I could go back and keep serving. On the "mish", or all missions for that matter, the term "trunky" comes up. To be Trunky means you are looking forward to going home, and usually are missing a certain part when feeling the trunky emotion. The term comes from one being near or thinking of their trunk (or suitcase). Well, since I'm home already, I now change it, and say I'm feeling trunky for my mission. I had so many good times there. Taking those two years out of my life, and dedicating them to the Lord and spreading the Gospel full-time was the best decision I ever made. EVER. I don't regret it at all. I had a BLAST! Sure there were hard days, when no one would listen, I didn't get along with my companion, or I was feeling a bit homesick, but I feel like I grew so much out there and learned so much. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Today I was having a bit of a downer day, and not feeling so positive. Life had become stressful and difficult lately with all sorts of stuff (friend drama, apartment finding issues, etc), that it was starting to wear on me. In the evening, I was talking to Andrea, and we decided to show our mission pictures to each other tomorrow. So tonight I began to go through them and organize them for that first time, and I immediately began to feel better. It took a couple hours, but it was well worth it to go through those memories again. Now I'm feeling great and positive. =)

Anyway, those were just my thoughts for tonight. Am I adjusted? I think so. Do I still miss the mission? Absolutely.


  1. By the way, what would you define as "adjusted"?

  2. andrew you're cute. i'm glad you're home (even though i didnt know you pre-mish) but i'm sorry so much has been thrown at cha right now. life is good.
